Thursday, December 22, 2005

What’s the Buzz: timbl’s blog?

What is SO special about having a blog?

Why when the creator of the first website published his first post ever on his blog we could find this news around the globe with the headlines: Web Inventor Starts A Blog, A New Blog from WWW Founder, Tim Started His Own Timbl's Blog, The Web Master Has A Blog, The Timbl's Blog Is Born est.?
Actually, how about a semantic analysis of this blog. How do we know that this is the Tim’s authenticity under this narrative? On the Internet nobody knows you are a Tim.

It is involving the narrator and 9 times in a small text present personal “I” or derivative pronouns.
Style is rather argumentative: criticizing or comparative.
People in 2005 started a thing that is called blog that has a design that lets to be a serial creator (taking in account not only text but photo, images, video, audio, etc.).
The Web is a publishing medium becoming the publishing medium.
People need a creative space.

This skews the image a bit but let’s look at the message…

People in 2005 started a thing that is called blog that has a design that lets to be a serial creator (taking in account not only text but photo, images, video, audio, etc.).
The Web is a publishing medium becoming the publishing medium.
The message is the Blog idea (browser/editor) is what Tim had in mind when he stated the WWW in 1994.
He IS Tim (89% probability).

On the Internet nobody knows you are a Tim (substitute...) unless you prove it.

Thanks to Tropes.

PS: timbl, please, turn ON the comments option. Comments are more important than posts. At least for the muse of the semantic web.


Tim's web


Monday, December 12, 2005

Wish to Be a Virtual Globalizer?

Do you wish to be a virtual Sony’s globalizer?

Check the Sony’s DNA out on compatibility.
Sort from 1 up to 5 following components of career:

[V] Creativity
[V] Curiosity
[V] Communication
[V] Globalization
[V] Professionalism

Хотите стать одним из представителей Sony?

Проверьте свою "генетическую" совместимость.
Отсортируйте от 1 до 5 следующие компоненты карьеры:

[V] Творчество
[V] Любопытство
[V] Коммуникация
[V] Глобализация
[V] Профессионализм - Sony Global - Jobs/Careers

Sony Corporation - Global Headquarters

Sony: Добро пожаловать: Россия

Sunday, December 11, 2005

What Are 91% of Households Doing?

Calculated Question published in Ten surprising facts about consumers and technology:

The blogosphere is tiny — and a bit incestuous.

Three percent of households publish blogs; 6% read them.

The State Of Consumers And Technology: 2005
Original air date: September 1, 2005

Presented By:

Ted Schadler
VP & Principal Analyst
Forrester Research Inc.

Charles S. Golvin
Principal Analyst
Forrester Research Inc.


Do you blog?
CCMatthews Poll Results

15% I have my own blog
2% I add comments regularly to others' blogs
9% I view blogs regularly
12% I seldom view blogs
29% No
33% What's a blog?

Friday, December 09, 2005



Video: All About My Friend:
In Memory Of Volodia

a small documentary dedicated to memory of Vladimir Kirianov

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Reflecting of Lennon: Come Back to the USSR

Reflecting of Lennon we come back to the USSR.

Imagine ...

Lennon lived, Lennon lives, Lennon will live!
Lennon lived, Lennon is alive, Lennon will live!

Леннон жил, Леннон живет, Леннон будет жить!
Леннон жил, Леннон жив, Леннон будет жить!

Ленон жил, Ленон живет, Ленон будет жить!
Ленон жил, Ленон жив, Ленон будет жить!

Is Lennon still an icon to the young?
The Beatles may still be revered, but is John Lennon's music and message of peace resonating with young people today - 25 years after his death?
By Stephen Dowling
BBC News

Симферопольские битломаны почтут память Джона Леннона

12:29 Новый Регион
В 19 часов они придут в центр города к памятнику Ленину и зажгут свечи.
...Мы решили сегодня вечером собраться у памятника Ленину, потому что Леннон жил, Леннон жив, Леннон будет жить...
NR2.Ru: Российское информационное агентство «Новый Регион». Версия 2.0

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Buzz Your Biz With Blogz

Buzz Your Biz With Blogs!

Buzz Your Biz With Bloggz!

Buzz Your Biz With Blogz!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Pursuit Of Employment: How to Become Skilled at HTML

Tough Creativity Under Blog Search

It is Hard to Be Inventive on the Blogger

Everything is written, everything is discussed.

Wandering around the topic “How to write an HTML code” I found a lot of deep thoughts about the subject from the blogger’s universe.

Don’t think that anybody makes coding for you, mark up your ideas yourself.

Not only google your subject, but blogle it or search on Blogger.
Bloggers blog their posts and bloggle on the Blogger.

387 posts matching Blogic
10 posts matching Bloggic
1162 posts matching Blogical
13 posts matching Bloggical
10 posts matching Blogital
Your search - Bloggital - did not match any documents.
Am I an inventor of a new word: bloggital as a derrogative from being digital on a blog medum?

10 posts matching Blogomaniac
Bblogomaniac was born 6:50 pm - August 24, 2005
Look at me!
24 Aug 2005 by crobet - References
I hope no on reads this first and depressingly boring blog! I have much road to cover before I am skilled and convincing as a blogomanic! My new word of the day; blogomaniac!!! 6:50 pm - August 24, 2005 - Crobet is out!

crobet -

9,178 posts matching blogia
Philosophy of blogging
Am I an inventor of a new word: philoblogging as philosophy of blogging?

Finally I found my subject "How Not to Teach HTML".
500,278 posts matching How not to teach HTML
How not to teach HTML
12 hours ago
A friend of mine recently approached me needing some help on a simple HTML assignment. Granted this wasn’t for an actual HTML course, but I still found it odd that something so…ugly...would still be taught as a viable web design method. ...Just imagine how much easier it would be to teach XHTML and CSS compared to this mess.
Philosophy -

Bloggraphy 2
Blography 359
Blogos 730

Think like a blog. Act like Google.
Think globally. Act bloggally.
Think locally. Act blogally.
Just blog.

How to beautify the word blog?


Am I an inventor of a new word: bloggalization as a global phenomenon of blogging?
Yes and No. We have already had Blogalization 650

A blog (Web log) is a locally global e-publishing.
A web (Web site) is a globally local e-publishing.
Blogging is easy like talking.
Blog should sound like rhetoric not like talking.
126,704 posts matching Rhetoric

253,735 posts matching Millionaire
Your search - Bloggionaire - did not match any documents.
Am I an inventor of a new word: Bloggionaire as a blogging millionaire?
No, looks it's late. 2 posts matching Blogionaire

If I am writing a book I am a writer. If I am writing a blog I am a publisher. Blogging like a vehicle driving, it could be a bus, or a car, or a van or whatever. I still can not think about commercial side of blogging.

Become digital, a human being.
Become a blogger.

918,574 posts matching blogging.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Незнакомая “РОССИЯ!” в Нью-Йорке

“РОССИЯ!” в Гугенхайме

Из заметок Канадский День Благодарения в Новом Йорке

Наконец пришло время рассказать миру о трех днях проведенных в октябре в Нью-Йорке.

Единственная идея этой поездки была увидеть “РОССИЮ!” - выставку в Гугенхайме и навестить парочку дорогих друзей.

Наша поездка на авто до Нью-Йорка была приятна и без особых прецедентов, это был последний солнечный день перед неделей холодных дождей и вытекающих из этого неудобств. 81 шоссе очень хорошее, это одна из разновидностей скоростной трассы, но к сожалению из-за сезонного ремонта временами мы ехали по одной полосе.

Мы предприняли маленькое путешествие в Овсего, который был принят нами за Отвсего, и есть по крайней мере 3 других вариации этого названия. Овсего расположен на берегу озера Онтарио, и это - место, как сказано в описании, мемориала войны года 1812. Случилось так что это было местом, куда судно с британскими вооруженными силами приплыло на американский берег, англичане взяли склад с оружием и возможно с провиантом не обращая внимания на сопротивление американской милиции и возвратились на земли Британской колонии. Здесь нет никакого отношения к Наполеоновской войне 1812 года. Фактически, мы искали Русский Православный монастырь недалеко от Овсего, но мы нашли его на нашем пути назад в 2 часах езды от Отвсего. Однако это будет предметом описания другой публикации.

На следующий день мы поехали в Манхэттан и непосредственно в Музей Гугенхайма, используя членские карточки от Художественной Галереи Онтарио и даже бесплатно провели нашего друга.

New York: Guggenheim Museum: RUSSIA!
Unprecedented Exposition of Russian Art

Credits: Music: Boris Bazourov;
Visuals: New York Guggenheim Museum

itroom video: 2005

Эта выставка - огромное количество русских шедевров в одном месте, ошеломит любого русского. И где? В Гугенхайме! Месте, где только авангардистское и абстрактное искусство правило балом и где на самом верху музея я видел пустое полотно с названием: "В этом полотне нет ни капли искусства".

Это представление российского искусства было сделано продуманно и с размахом, да и весь Манхэттан был украшен русскими артефактами.

К нашему удивлению довольно много человек знали предмет очень хорошо и могли дать лекции по таким деталям как каноны изображения икон или тонкости русского религиозного раскола. И они были американцами. Холодная война оставила метку на людях, которые были образованы и профессионально заняты российской культурой и искусством.

И еще в тот день, а это была последняя пятница октября, музей организовал тусовку для друзей, и мы были приглашены. Это было странно и место стало еще более диковинным с ди-джеем и отвязной молодежью, общавшейся на первом этаже под строгим наблюдением русских святых. Но среди многих молодых людей Вы могли легко определить русско-говорящий студентов, гордо исследующих с их друзьями обширное российское культурное наследие.

В подвале была устроена небольшая выставка картин СоцРеализма, но не много людей знали об этом. Мы встретили женщину вероятно из Брайтон Бич, которая показала нам картины и была наполнена гордостью что имела к этому какое-то отношение.

Unknown "RUSSIA!" in Guggenheim
From notes about Canadian Thanksgiving in New York


Unknown "RUSSIA!" in New York

"RUSSIA!" in Guggenheim

From notes about Canadian Thanksgiving in New York

Finally, now it is time to tell the world about 3 days in New York in October.

The sole idea of this trip was to see the "RUSSIA!" – an exhibition at the Guggenheim and also to visit a few dear friends.

Our trip to New York was uneventful but pleasant; it was the last sunny day before a week of rain and misery. Highway 81 is nice and a different form of the throughway but unfortunately they had a couple of maintenance strips and we took a small trip to Owsego which was mistaken for Otwsego, there are at least 3 other variations of this name.

Owsego sits on the shore of Lake Ontario and it is a place as they said of memorial of the War of 1812. Just it happened to be a place where a ship with British military came to the States side, took the guns and possibly some provisions from the rag-tag American militia and went back. There is no relation to a Napoleonic War of 1812. Actually, we were looking for a Russian Orthodox monastery around there but we found it on our way back in 2 hours drive from this place. Nevertheless it is going to be a subject of another post.

Next day we went to Manhattan and to the Guggenheim Museum directly, using our reciprocal benefits of being members of the AGO and even took our friend with us.

New York: Guggenheim Museum: RUSSIA!
Unprecedented Exposition of Russian Art

Credits: Music: Boris Bazourov;
Visuals: New York Guggenheim Museum

itroom video: 2005
This exhibition is a mind–boggling experience to any Russian to see many great artifacts in one place. And where? At the Guggenheim! A place where only avant-garde and abstract art would rule, where at the very top I have seen an empty canvass with the title: "There is not a drop of art in this painting".

Nevertheless this presentation of Russian art was done thoughtfully and extensively, all Manhattan was marked up with Russian art pieces. To our surprise quite a few people knew the subject matter very well and would give lectures on such topics like details of icon paintings’ canons or fine points of Russian Religious schism. And they were Americans. The Cold War left a mark on people who were educated and professionally occupied with Russian Culture and Art.

More over on that day, it was last Friday of October, they had a party for members and we were invited. It was a blast and the site became even more outlandish with DJ and groovy youth mingled on the first floor under the inquisitive supervision of Russian Saints.
But among many young people you could easily spot Russian speaking students proudly exploring with their friends the vast Russian cultural heritage. I remember a heated discussion in front of Deineka’s "Defense of Sevastopol" about who was fighting with whom and a Yugoslavian woman who said that she regrets the fall of the Soviet Union which was a precursor to destroying of the Republic of Yugoslavia.

In the basement there was a small exhibition of Soc Realism paintings but not many people knew about it. We met a woman probably from the Brighton Beach who showed us the paintings and was beaming with pride of having relation to this exciting event.

Незнакомая “РОССИЯ!” в Гугенхайме
Из заметок о Канадским Дне Благодарения в Новом Йорке

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