Thursday, July 28, 2005

Galina has left us for good, her life was kind of bleak starting from the beginnings.
And it became brutal at the end, though now life for many millions of other people in the former Soviet Union is brutal at the end.
She had a second stroke and died in two weeks, on July 28th in the afternoon. She had I think a slight developmental disorder, probably there is a name for that here in the West.
Back in Russia she was just plain, stubborn, impractical, too naive, too lazy person and lacking the street smarts altogether. Being a big and tall didn't help her either, what could be forgiven for a small and delicate creature was harshly taken on her.

Галина ушла от нас. С самого начала жизнь была к ней сурова и стала ещё более тяжелой в конце, хотя теперь жизнь для многих миллионов людей на просторах разрушенного Советского Союза является невыносимой.

У Галины был второй удар и она умерла днем 28-ого июля через две недели после этого. Я думаю, что с рождения у нее было небольшое отставание в развитии, и вероятно, здесь на Западе есть для этого название.

А в России она была в целом очень простым, упрямым, непрактичным, слишком наивным и ленивым человеком. Она была высокой и статной, но даже это ей не помогало, и то что прощалось бы маленькой и слабенькой женщине, выставлялось ей в укор.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Jacket photo of Professor Sir Karl Popper by Lucinda Douglas-Menzies.
Popper, Karl Raimund, Sir
In search of a better world: lectures and essays of thirty years / Translation
First published in English in 1992 by Routledge
Copyright C 1984, 1992 Karl R. Popper

Popper is mine. Correct.
Why do we like his thoughts? Why we woud like to write about his philosophy?
Three things are the most important:

1. The third world (the world 3 of Karl Popper).
2.His Open Society.
3.Theory of Falsification (of all the above).

What is 'world 3'? It is the world of the objective products of the human minds, such as blogs, books, tools, works of art, etc. (includinng computers, too). "Made by Human" or "Made by Humanity" or Noosphera of our Russian scientist Academitian Vladimir Vernadskiy.

What Karl Popper could say about this Virtual World 3 of World Wide Web?
What is the ontological status of the WWW's objects? These bits of codes, alghorithms, protocols and atoms of processors, networks, and the Internet infrastructure.

Monday, July 18, 2005

I think it could be a sign... Google is down!
Tomorrow I need to be ready to get rid of Google shares
Look for yourself:

Monday, July 11, 2005

Завтра Петров День и мы будем печь пирог с рыбой.
День они с Павлом уже убавили на 1 час, в такую жару (40 С) и самый распаршивый поросенок вспотеет.
Кулебяка с вязигой:
Вязигу сварить до полной мягкости и порезать до вида крупной крупы. Сваренные яйца нарезать также и потушить лук с вязигой и маслом. В холодную вязигу положить яйца и начинить кулебяку.

Tomorrow is St. Peter’s Day, and we shall bake a fish pie. Peter and Paul have already taken away one hour, in such a heat (40 C) and the most miserable piglet will sweat.

Kulebiaka with red fish sinews (visiga): Visiga should be cooked to full softness and to cut up to a kind of large groats. Cut boiled eggs and sauté onions, visiga, and butter. In cold visiga you have to put eggs and to fill up the kulebiaka with it.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

A Samovar has been found at the CornerStone store, in a quite dreadful state but beautiful and with probably a tremendous life story to tell.
Priced at 45 CAN $$ and bargained to 40 $$ through outstanding negotiations.
Now we are in process of discovering its producers and its real value when it will be restored . Also how good will be a cup of tea from this artifact.


Our Web Ontology/Onthology site is up, no DNS attached yet.
Start searching in a few days, for now just a statement of interest and introspection.
Eventuallly we plan to add XML-based tools for creating ontologies and have a discussion board and a repository for submitted ontologies.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Remembrance of the summer : Quebec , somewhere in Rimuski area we visited a mini-monastery with a vegetable garden, two hard-working sisters who were re-painting the old Mail box. Surprisingly they spoke a good English, especially the younger one.
What are their names?

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

It is summer time, when the living is so precious.
Our Matushka Elizaveta is recovering now after her second stroke.
It took place on Sunday morning, but all of the signs were transparent on Saturday. She was very weak, did not want to eat, and suffered from high blood pressure. The most important procedures which we made to comfort her were cleaning her from inside and outside.
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