David Phillips' Mission to Teach Science to the World
Prof. Sir David Phillips OBE Imperial College, London
Credit: University of Toronto:: Institute for Optical Sciences & Royal Canadian Institute
Credit: University of Toronto:: Institute for Optical Sciences & Royal Canadian Institute
The Royal Canadian Institute (RCI) for the advancement of science in partnership with the Institute for Optical Sciences, University of Toronto presents:
Holiday Season Stoicheff Lecture 2006
A Little Light Relief: Science of Photo Medicine
Prof. Sir David Phillips OBE
Hofmann Professor of Chemistry;
Senior Dean, Imperial College London , UK
When: Sunday, December 10, 2006
Time: 3 pm
Venue: J. J. R. Macleod Auditorium, Medical Sciences Building, University of Toronto
Location: 1 King's College Circle
Google maps
Queen's Park Subway Station
PLEASE NOTE: Sunday parking at U of T is $7. Pay and Display parking voucher machines (near entrances to the campus) accept credit cards. TTC is recommended.
Light, particularly sunlight, has always occupied a mystical power over all civilisations and is commonly held to bestow good health upon recipients of its rays.Public Lecture – All are welcome, especially ages 13-18
That there is both truth and fallacy in such beliefs will be demonstrated in this lecture, which deals with the science of photo-medicine. The subject encompasses effects of light on the skin, diagnostic uses of light, and therapeutic aspects.
We will concentrate on the latter, but not before a brief consideration of harmful effects of solar radiation.
Therapeutic uses include treatment of skin complaints such as psoriasis, treatment of neonatal jaundice, and photo-inactivation of viral, bacterial and fungal infections. The laser has revolutionised some aspects of medicine, and laser applications discussed will include surgery using infrared and ultraviolet lasers and the use of lasers plus chemical sensitisers to destroy tumours selectively (photodynamic therapy).
The topic is illustrated with many demonstrations, and gives an overview of the subject from the point of view of a chemist.
Free admission and refreshments
Extract from the Demonstration Lecture
A Little Light Relief
By Prof. David Phillips
Credit: Imperial College Television Studio
UK science guy brings laser medicine show to U of T
29 Nov 2006 by Sonnet L’Abbé
Professor Sir David Phillips, a popular science commentator and BBC media personality, will bring his world-touring lecture on the use of light in medicine to the University of Toronto on Sunday, December 10 at 3 pm..
Credit: University of Toronto -- News@uoft
...Professor David Phillips is a man with a passion for lecturing...
Imperial College. IC Reporter, ISSUE 20 (6 FEBRUARY - 19 FEBRUARY 1996)
Staff Newspaper of Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
Imperial College London Home Page
Professor David Phillips, OBE
Senior Research Investigator
Faculty of Physical Sciences: Department of Chemistry
Credit: Imperial College London
31/05/06 by David Welsh, London Press Service
Imperial College London - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Imperial College London is a British academic institution focusing on science, engineering and medicine, complemented by a business school. It is consistently ranked in the top three universities in the United Kingdom, and top ten worldwide...
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