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Technorati Top 100 Blogs List
The biggest blogs in the blogosphere, as measured by unique links in the last six months.
1. 295,369 links from 51,252 sites.
2. Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things: 69,096 links from 18,944 sites.
3. 67,257 links from 18,747 sites.
4. Engadget: 62,497 links from 14,231 sites.
5. PostSecret: PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard. By frank warren: 22,661 links from 13,283 sites.
6. Daily Kos: State of the Nation: 53,972 links from 10,860 sites.
7. The Huffington Post: 44,581 links from 8,131 sites.
8. Gizmodo, The Gadget Blog: 19,237 links from 7,075 sites.
9. 32,351 links from 6,682 sites.
10. Michelle Malkin By Michelle Malkin: 37,206 links from 5,847 sites.
11. Crooks and Liars By John Amato: 23,120 links from 5,803 sites.
12. 16,440 links from 5,705 sites.
13. dooce: 10,680 links from 5,677 sites.
14. Blog di Beppe Grillo: Grillo's gags have tackled financial scandals and political corruption By Beppe Grillo: 16,052 links from 5,397 sites.
15. Thought Mechanics By Theron Parlin and Matthew Good: 7,103 links from 5,384 sites.
16. Lifehacker, the Productivity and Software Guide: 13,406 links from 5,006 sites.
17. By locker2man: 13,636 links from 4,910 sites.
18. Herramientas para Blogs Herramientas para spaces. Un blog sobre personalización de los spaces By Marcelino Madrigal: 13,534 links from 4,852 sites.
19. Think Progress By Judd Legum: 23,530 links from 4,849 sites.
20. Official Google Blog: 11,510 links from 4,793 sites.
21. Drew Curtis' 7,895 links from 4,689 sites.
22. Open Palm! Youth means limitless possibilities. By Open- Palm ! ™: 20,773 links from 4,533 sites.
23. Gawker, Manhattan Media News and Gossip: 12,967 links from 4,509 sites.
24. : home of fine hypertext products: 11,238 links from 4,407 sites.
25. Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall: 18,369 links from 4,392 sites.
26. Wonkette, Politics for People with Dirty Minds By editor wonkette: 12,484 links from 4,320 sites.
27. 14,064 links from 4,236 sites.
28. Easy Start To The Day: 13,301 links from 4,142 sites.
29. manabekawori.cocolog 9,937 links from 4,131 sites.
30. A List Apart: For People Who Make Websits: 9,013 links from 4,130 sites.
31. The Space Craft: The Official MSN Spaces Team Blog: 11,654 links from 4,042 sites.
32. SA: Tag your space in our huge family, which is the home for MSN spacers from all over the world. By Anki Wang: 11,323 links from 4,031 sites.
33. By huang mj: 13,536 links from 4,003 sites.
34. 5,880 links from 3,993 sites.
35. Power Line: 20,599 links from 3,972 sites.
36. 8,693 links from 3,875 sites.
37. Weebls Stuff News: 11,957 links from 3,850 sites.
38. Eschaton: 19,853 links from 3,768 sites.
39. Everyone's reading it. Have you ever seen the blog of a goddess? By Xiaxue: 7,000 links from 3,664 sites.
40. 10,538 links from 3,583 sites.
41. 9,643 links from 3,541 sites.
42. Joystiq: 17,247 links from 3,478 sites.
43. lgf: this is true internet dictatorship By Charles Johnson: 16,536 links from 3,432 sites.
44. 7,750 links from 3,394 sites.
45. Daily Dish: 11,274 links from 3,393 sites.
46. The Best Page In The Universe. By maddox: 5,496 links from 3,378 sites.
47. Metafilter | Community Weblog By Matt Haughey: 14,468 links from 3,285 sites.
48. Joel on Software: 6,990 links from 3,282 sites.
49. AMERICAblog: Because a great nation deserves the truth: Liberal US politics blog with a particular focus on activism and news about the Bush administration, the religious right, and gay civil rights. By John Aravosis: 16,450 links from 3,211 sites.
50. The Superficial | Because You're Ugly: 8,270 links from 3,204 sites.
51. Something Awful The Internet Makes You Stupid: 5,850 links from 3,165 sites.
52. Overheard in New York: The Voice of the City: 6,705 links from 3,117 sites.
53. msn space technic, modification By hot wind: 10,517 links from 3,048 sites.
54. Superior Bloggers on Music, Politics, TV, Film, ...: 10,101 links from 2,941 sites.
55. Hugh Hewitt: 12,094 links from 2,921 sites.
56. MAKE: Blog: 8,463 links from 2,872 sites.
57. BuzzMachine By Jeff Jarvis: 11,247 links from 2,855 sites.
58. Captain's Quarters By Ed Morrissey: 18,275 links from 2,849 sites.
59. The Web Standards Project: 4,471 links from 2,824 sites.
60. this is my world By Mr. Lonely: 9,377 links from 2,810 sites.
61. Defamer, the L.A. Gossip Rag: 6,730 links from 2,799 sites.
62. Mark's Sysinternals Blog: 5,470 links from 2,797 sites.
63. TechCrunch By Michael Arrington: 7,662 links from 2,758 sites.
64. The Volokh Conspiracy: 12,872 links from 2,711 sites.
65. The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW): 32,928 links from 2,697 sites.
66. Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Blogger: Microsoft geek blog. Writes about the technology industry. By Robert Scoble: 7,875 links from 2,658 sites.
67. Stuff On My Cat: 4,710 links from 2,655 sites.
68. Micro Persuasion: Steve Rubel explores how new technologies are transforming marketing, media and public relations. By Steve Rubel: 9,771 links from 2,632 sites.
69. Google Blogoscoped: 10,253 links from 2,617 sites.
70. WRETCH Album and Blog: 5,547 links from 2,578 sites.
71. By slim: 7,608 links from 2,570 sites.
72. Pink Is The New Blog | Fingers Firmly On The Pulse By Trent Vanegas: 4,767 links from 2,511 sites.
73. A design and usability blog: Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals): 5,612 links from 2,500 sites.
74. The Corner on National Review Online: 14,336 links from 2,497 sites.
75. 7,643 links from 2,472 sites.
76. Seth's Blog: 5,862 links from 2,459 sites.
77. Informed Comment: Middle East, foreign affairs, religion, Islam and history are discussed by a professional historian. By Juan Cole: 10,013 links from 2,456 sites.
78. TPMCafe || The Coffee House: 7,284 links from 2,441 sites.
79. 7,505 links from 2,441 sites.
80. Om Malik on Broadband : On Broadband, VoIP & The Next Generation By om malik: 9,658 links from 2,421 sites.
81. The Doc Searls Weblog : Friday, January 6, 2006 By Doc Searls: 5,351 links from 2,416 sites.
82. Michael Yon : Online Magazine: 8,255 links from 2,410 sites.
83. Microsiervos: 8,902 links from 2,386 sites.
84. The Lair of the Crab of Ineffable Wisdom a load of stuff by Joe...:5,403 links from 2,363 sites.
85. Gothamist: 7,357 links from 2,314 sites.
86. BILDblog "Notizen über eine große deutsche Boulevardzeitung." Watchblog for the German tabloid "Bild" Zeitung By BILDblog: 6,670 links from 2,309 sites.
87. Techdirt. Easily Digestible Tech News & Analysis By Mike Masnick: 7,357 links from 2,289 sites.
88. toothpaste for dinner daily drew drawings: 4,838 links from 2,275 sites.
89. furuta: 5,436 links from 2,262 sites.
90. WIL WHEATON DOT NET By Wil Wheaton: 4,863 links from 2,258 sites.
91. VG Cats Updated Mondays: 4,074 links from 2,244 sites.
92. Dog Blog: 2,347 links from 2,234 sites.
93. John Battelle's Searchblog By John Battelle: 6,764 links from 2,231 sites.
94. 6,749 links from 2,218 sites.
95. MilkandCookies Sorry, We're Open By Jaxon Brooks: 5,087 links from 2,207 sites.
96. A conservative collaborative weblog focusing on politics, news, and activism. By Mike Krempasky: 8,866 links from 2,180 sites.
97. Scripting News: 1/6/2006 By Dave Winer: 5,621 links from 2,170 sites.
98. Scott's "SiteExperts" Place: Web developers, Web developers, Web developers! MSN Client architect who shares his thoughts on DHTML, AJAX, Client Frameworks, etc., and how we are engineering MSN properties. By Scott Isaacs: 5,928 links from 2,169 sites.
99. Wizbang Full Feed With Comments: Explosively Unique...By Kevin Aylward: 13,080 links from 2,163 sites.
100. Autoblog: 34,158 links from 2,158 sites.
101. The Third World by itceremony links from 4 sites.
102. The Arts Junction by itceremony links from 1 site.
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