Tough Creativity Under Blog Search

It is Hard to Be Inventive on the Blogger
Everything is written, everything is discussed.
Wandering around the topic “How to write an HTML code” I found a lot of deep thoughts about the subject from the blogger’s universe.
Don’t think that anybody makes coding for you, mark up your ideas yourself.
Not only google your subject, but blogle it or search on Blogger.
Bloggers blog their posts and bloggle on the Blogger.
387 posts matching Blogic
10 posts matching Bloggic
1162 posts matching Blogical
13 posts matching Bloggical
10 posts matching Blogital
Your search - Bloggital - did not match any documents.
Am I an inventor of a new word: bloggital as a derrogative from being digital on a blog medum?
10 posts matching Blogomaniac
Bblogomaniac was born 6:50 pm - August 24, 2005
Look at me!
24 Aug 2005 by crobet - References
I hope no on reads this first and depressingly boring blog! I have much road to cover before I am skilled and convincing as a blogomanic! My new word of the day; blogomaniac!!! 6:50 pm - August 24, 2005 - Crobet is out!
crobet -
9,178 posts matching blogia
Philosophy of blogging
Am I an inventor of a new word: philoblogging as philosophy of blogging?
Finally I found my subject "How Not to Teach HTML".
500,278 posts matching How not to teach HTML
How not to teach HTML
12 hours ago
A friend of mine recently approached me needing some help on a simple HTML assignment. Granted this wasn’t for an actual HTML course, but I still found it odd that something so…ugly...would still be taught as a viable web design method. ...Just imagine how much easier it would be to teach XHTML and CSS compared to this mess.
Philosophy -
Bloggraphy 2
Blography 359
Blogos 730
Think like a blog. Act like Google.
Think globally. Act bloggally.
Think locally. Act blogally.
Just blog.
How to beautify the word blog?
Am I an inventor of a new word: bloggalization as a global phenomenon of blogging?
Yes and No. We have already had Blogalization 650
A blog (Web log) is a locally global e-publishing.
A web (Web site) is a globally local e-publishing.
Blogging is easy like talking.
Blog should sound like rhetoric not like talking.
126,704 posts matching Rhetoric
253,735 posts matching Millionaire
Your search - Bloggionaire - did not match any documents.
Am I an inventor of a new word: Bloggionaire as a blogging millionaire?
No, looks it's late. 2 posts matching Blogionaire
If I am writing a book I am a writer. If I am writing a blog I am a publisher. Blogging like a vehicle driving, it could be a bus, or a car, or a van or whatever. I still can not think about commercial side of blogging.
Become digital, a human being.
Become a blogger.
918,574 posts matching blogging.
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