It sounds like a
blufr question: Do you know that Canada hosts the 16th International World Wide Web Conference?
no way!way!WWW2007: 8-12th May, Banff, Alberta, Canada
Welcome to Canada!A year ago we posted
WWW2006: Future of the Web is eXtensible Collaboration material, and, now, we are ready to move from the semantic web to the web science.
Tim Berners-Lee confirmed as a plenary speaker. He will address the emerging discipline of
Web Science, and the global opportunities provided by the Web.
The Two Magics of Web ScienceAbstract:Web Science, of course, is largely engineering, as is computer science. But Web Science is different. When you design a new Web technology, it involves both technical protocols and social conventions. These work together to produce the new system, a computer-mediated interaction between two people. The first magic (process we don't understand) is when that interaction between two people scales to produce a new macroscopic phenomenon. The link between the microscopic and the macroscopic is fascinating. When we look at our macroscopic world and sigh, and wish it were better, it then takes a creative magic to see what new microscopic design could have the right effect. The creative leap of many neurons, and the collaboration of many people are the most exciting parts of the whole process, and what the Web has been about from day one.
WWW2007 has a five-day structure (Tuesday to Saturday),
featuring 12 tutorials, 8 workshops, 4 plenary speakers,
111 refereed papers, 119 posters, 7 panels, and 10-12 invited industry speakers, 940 delegates, from 40 countries (including 6 from Russia and 117 from Canada).
Program HighlightsSunday, May 6, Pre-conference Events / WC3 AC
Monday, May 7, Pre-conference Events / W4A, WOW, WC3 AC
Tuesday, May 8, BUILDING THE WEB
Wednesday, May 9, THE GLOBAL WEB
Speaker: Tim Berners-Lee
The Two Magics of Web Science
Thursday, May 10, MINING THE WEB
Speaker: Prabhakar Raghavan
Web N.0: What Sciences Will it Take?
Friday, May 11, WEAVING THE WEB
Speaker: Bill Buxton
Social Networking and Web Communities
Saturday, May 12, THE WWW AND YOU
Speaker: Dick Hardt
An Identity Story
Future Conferences:WWW2008 - Beijing, China
WWW2009 - Madrid, Spain
WWW2010 -
Open For Bids!!!WWW2011 - Bangalore, India
links:WWW2007: Designing XForms, XML Backplane, etc.Friday May 04, 2007
by John Boyer
My talk will demonstrate a schema-initiated drag-and-drop design experience for XForms using the Lotus Forms Designer.
John Boyer (IBM):
Designing XForms (25 mins)
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Labels: Banff, Canada, Tim Berners-Lee, web science, www2007